As my confidant Mike T would say ”You’re a Yella Bastard!” or maybe it’s just the big yellow
M that makes us laugh on TV. Despite some of the humor surrounding it fraud is real. So are
the characters that play a role in ruining our lives so they can gamble, laugh, get high on
soda, and binge on personal and financial gains. Here is what you should know about the
beware sign from the prohibition to make your life happy instead of a hell wrought on you by
Remember now that cannabis is legal to keep it classy. I like Delta 8 hemp. It is clean, light, and classy full of good times with the besties at the sociable party. Delta 9 marijuana is intoxicating and should be used sparingly in moderation to keep health a priority for adults. Vacations, pertinent breaks, and appropriate wind downs are good times to take a break with it. Now don’t get me wrong beer is fun, but I think that taking one’s time with alcohol to enjoy is a better bet for a classy, healthy, and responsible time. Funnels, keg stands, and stupers leave memories to regret and do not accomplish anything in a social life with the ladies and gents. What does this have to do with fraud?
Being under the influence while intoxicated causes one to be impaired in decision making, which leaves you subordinated. Without independent thought fraudsters can and will get control of you to operate your brain. They seize your technology, family, friends, and networks to weave their influence to make off with the loot. It happens in established trusted organizations right in front of you and robs you blind. What do you do? Be vigilant!! The FBI and DEA are friends and here to help!!! So DARE to aspire everyone and clean up your communities. We are all citizen soldiers and the strength of our country that belongs to us not criminals is our best tool to fight fraud and win!!