Thursday, December 7, 2017

Integrity of Pillars

Integrity of Pillars

Think of the pillars in your community.  Which ones stand out as being the most important?  Businessman, judges, politicians all have their place in the community with its own sphere of influence.  Do your pillars have integrity?  What about the integrity of handshake transactions being available to you.  What do handshake transactions sound like to you?  They are simply put transactions without contracts. They are your word.  In today's business world that does not sound like a secure arms length business transaction or a securely bound legal agreement.  There are companies out there that have the integrity to generate that trust. They complete every business transaction on a handshake only.  When is the last time you did business with one of your community pillars and relied on a handshake only?  What was the outcome?  It speaks of your pillars integrity if he or she does what they know they should do and you know it too.  If they fail that is a failure at the tone of the top in the community and is unhealthy.  Does this result in a leadership vacuum if no one responds to the problem?  It may corrupt and certainly cause that problem.  Be aware of what you can do for your community to keep a healthy tone at the top and keep leadership functional.