Saturday, August 31, 2024

Bogus Cake!!

    I would like to talk about a few things regarding my experience in undergraduate education in the Youngstown/Warren regional area. They are topics that are vivid in my life skills and certainly apply to all of you emerging from the prohibition of cannabis for the fidelity of your new agreements in Ohio with Ohio by the people. The subject at hand? Can you have your cake and eat it...

  • Why whistleblowing gets a start.
  • The subtleties of a lie as delicious as cake.
  • The delicious cake and trust.
  • Building a promise.
  • A agreement that binds life.
  • The struggle with a whistle.
  • Why damage is real and not cake.

Why Whistleblowing Gets a Start

    To much of my surprise in the recent issue of a magazine I was reading whistleblowing is a thriving industry of hunters for the truth and profits. I found that whistleblowing should be the pursuit of honesty, integrity, truth, transparency, and facts that are our civic duty to make our society a better place to live in and build communities that have strength, resilience, and agility to compete as the best in the world and do not fail our citizens. To me whistleblowing is a necessity to keep our society functioning and business in check with morals and ethics so we can go to sleep at night without nightmares. Unfortunately sleeping soundly in our society is a luxury because people do not behave ethically and believe in morals. Honestly most people do not care about each other and expend you for greed, profits, personal gains, financial gains, espionage, theft, and the list of crimes that occur daily without a person caring that prattle on with their devious intents endlessly. So... should we blow the whistle? The answer is... HELL YES!!

The Subtleties of a Lie as Delicious as Cake

    Given all of this is occurring I think that lying is definitely proliferated in the process. People are lying without caring about it and do not believe it even matters. They lie about everything. To small tidbits of their life to professional agendas that govern university pillars and law enforcement agencies. The lies are played off as subtle and our delicious as cake to the lier and never stop coming. Like endless desert that is delightful and deserves appropriate etiquette to them because they deserved to be served and continue to lie and demand your respect.

The Delicious Cake and Trust

    So having discussed the blatant outrage of cake that is being served, what do you think when you are eating your cake that is bound with trust in your agreements for products, services, warranties, etc. I think one should understand that ethics is tantamount in these bargain agreements we engage in daily for products and services and should not be abused. Trust based on these ethics that are expected to be followed bound by moral codes is certainly relevant and most definitely should be addressed expediently when a problem occurs and not sideline anyone in the gutter indefinitely with their throat cut. 

Building a Promise

    With this understanding of trust (much like your cake in front of you) I think a promise is a part of every agreement (including our daily economical bargain agreements of standard life in the USA). I enjoy watching trust fabricate via a promise to complete a agreement. Fabricating promises based on sound trust is amazing and is the foundation of our countries economy and out capitalist society. Amazing promises can be built and fabricated by Washington DC, the US Attorney's Office, the FBI, and nationalized law firms to create amazing futures and agreements that boggle the world's minds and make us the wealthiest, most successful, shining leaders the world has to offer.  

A Agreement that Binds Life

    Remember that agreements can last a lifetime and include the most intricate ethics, morals, trust, and promises that form agreements that can create a living hell when mismanaged. Please remember as a citizen when you notice something wrong it is your civic duty to make it right. It makes our country number one and that is why we say HELL YES!! to blowing the whistle!!!

The Struggle with a Whistle

    The struggle with a whistle is difficult I am not going to lie. But much like my Catholic belief as a abstinent male waiting for my soul mate that brings me treasures on Earth from Heaven that have unimaginable value so does the relief and affirmation of correct moral and ethical duty. The blessings from both can lead to substantial rewards on Earth and in Heaven for those that bring trust, stability, goodness, justice, peace, and fidelity to our society.

Why Damage is Real and Not Cake

So... don't forget to guard yourselves and your family from sinners and their evil and the fraud, waste, and abuse in our society. It is definitely there, will defiantly assault you, terrorize you, and whip you into submission. Remember that you can help fight it with your civic duty and maintain trust in your agreements so your promises establish fidelity with your agreements and our society flourishes.

Thursday, March 7, 2024

The Bogus Sentinel

Is a Bogus Believers Sentinel tuff to get? You bet. The ACFE award looks to me to be hazardous, tedious, exhaustive and a direct war with everybody you notice touching frauds to be at your throat and attempting to ruin your life. Is there a problem in our society with protecting Sentinel prospects that are out there that can better our society. I think so and I have not seen the results in the profession that are able to combat the tidal wave of fraud, waste and abuse that make the Sentinel a walk in the park for anyone.

What do I think the worst problem is with the road to a Sentinel? Extortion and bribery are a evil duo that bands people together for all sorts of schemes like pyramids consisting of intellectual property theft for personal gain, monetary gain for a better lifestyle that secures assets to cover your but and break your adversaries, espionage for assets for the perpetrators selves and companies and even going as far as emotional hacking associated with the intellectual theft that weakens victims to keep them under control for indefinite periods of time if the perpetrators can accomplish it. Yep, this is all because of the evil duo above that runs like a steam piston engine in a steam roller and flattens everything good in it’s path. With this in mind you have to keep fighting for that Sentinel and it does not get better.

So what do you do now after being flattened and cold knocked out and wasted from the fight. Keep fighting until the whistle is heard and the DOJ picks up the scabbard and does better than rattling with no teeth. I think another problem with this is that people like to engineer immoral and illegal agreements the DOJ does not recognize and enforce to make their illegitimate lifestyle active with force you can’t fight. They do it with credibility that is politically corrupt, engineering disinformation, utilizing illegitimate identification systems and identification fabrication to bust your ass after you are steamrolled, knocked out and told to stop crying and suck it up that the DOJ line is long and laborious so why try.

What do we need to do to solve this problem? Giving whistleblowers a stronger voice with better resources as they struggle for protection, anonymity and building a relationship with the DOJ to bust everything related to this problem under the sun from color of law violations, narcotics scandals, political bafoonism that fuels corrupt propaganda and corporate greed that festers fraud to name a few would be a win!!!

Friday, July 6, 2018

SCCE and Bogus Believers on Fraud and Whistleblowing

Follow the following link for your bogus Believer Blog with the SCCE Fraud and Whistleblowing Blog published by myself as a Guest Blogger.  Click here for my first blog.

Sunday, May 27, 2018

Society of Corporate Compliance and Ethics Blog

Whistleblowers face challenges when they operate in silence with the government and deserve our thanks.  This can also mean an end to their career for the benefit of the people. Remember that whistleblowers deserve our thanks.  Once the whistleblower is known some of the most difficult scenarios a accountant can face play out. So… what to do if you are a whistleblower?  Join me with the Society of Corporate Compliance and Ethics where I will be a guest blogger and subscribe. There you will be able to see myself and other bloggers wrestle with tough topics for accountants, compliance professionals, legal professionals and the ethics they are governed with.  Link to Blogs Here

Sunday, March 25, 2018

The Rude Dude and Networks

Following the previous discussion about the rude dude and networking etiquette,
which was last month. I think we should explore some of the types of networks that
can be affected by such behavior. As students we learn in college some of the more
important aspects of maturity. To apply them as Juniors and Seniors is a mark of
progress towards professionalism and a tool to be used for the future when we embark
on our career. The rude dude stands to cause problems in professional and private
networks.  Professional networks encompass superiors, clients, coworkers,
competitors and business partners. I think once one graduates from college
that the rude dude is certainly a problem of immaturity. As professions vary
we all have different responsibilities in the scenarios involving the rude due and our
network.  However, we all have a civic duty to perform to
make our communities better and we should all contribute to the removal of the rude
dude. Not just for the security of our professional networks but also for the security
of our private networks that house interpersonal relationships. Our families, friends
and acquaintances do not need to tolerate the rude dude in their daily life so it is
important to continue to follow our civic duties to make our community better and
get rid of the rude dude.  Have a blessed Palm Sunday!!

Friday, February 23, 2018

The Rude Dude

A bit on network etiquette that stems from the culture of deviants.  One of the requirement s in Night Hawk networking 101 is to be courteous and ask permission to utilize resources in yours or other networks.  I think that people that barge in and start erecting network structures and using resources without express permission is rude and creates disaster for the network host.  A bit on express permission, which is oral or written permission.  I think it is mandatory in networks because it helps protect your resources.  This is exactly why LinkedIn exists, to facilitate express permissions for resources.  Now a bit on networks, fraud and nefarious individuals.  Think about how destructive drugs are in a network.  Think about the above where valuable resources are stored for professional and personal use.  How about wise guys using drugs barging into your network and advertising “Coke” the soda as a inappropriate joke to avoid recognition for their involvement with the drug.  This type of deviant horseplay if you will must be restricted from personal and professional networks in all of it’s destructive forms.  Remember that in the new era of cannabis legalization.  Its movement is still developing and you can bet that those networks will harbor corruption somewhere, somehow someway.   

Sunday, January 14, 2018

When Pillars Fail 2

Pillars are the most important part of a communities professional structure.  
As i mentioned in a previous blog, pillars maintain important aspects of a community's
ability to function properly.  The impact of a failing pillar is certainly noticeable.  It’s impact
is felt around surrounding communities.  What is worse is when the multiple systems in
pillars fail.  It can be very worrisome to the community.  The blowback of such a
catastrophe can be felt throughout the professional structure of the pillars network affecting
many other professionals.  It is noticeable that the impact not only affects the community
as a whole civil structure, but also can reverberate through a specific internal structure
hat can create a problematic core of values.  Depending on how the problems were avoided
and how long, one can see the importance of the ethical discharge in this example.  
By avoiding it and allowing the problem to take root in pillars and potentially spread you can
see the size and scope of how a community disaster grows.  It is important for us as a
community to maintain resilience in the matters pertaining to fraud and white collar crime
to maintain a stable community and avoid a potential collapse or worse a corrupt system
of pillars and professionals.